Struggling with the challenges of entrepreneurship?
It's time to let go of ineffective strategies, the self-doubt and uncertainty about your path, so you can create your...


Discover how merging your Human Design with simple business strategies and mindset tools is the most effective way to create a business that feels energetically aligned and in flow, allowing you to create a greater impact on the world.

Let me show you how...

This is for you... 

IF YOU are a passionate, heart-led entrepreneur driven by a vision to create impact in the world.

IF YOU aspire to build a sustainable business that not only achieves financial success but does so without leading to burnout or trapping you in a cycle of endless effort.

IF YOU desire a business that operates on the principles of magnetism and intuition, attracting dream clients and opportunities effortlessly, as if by design.

Whether you are just starting your business, find yourself in a rud or dreaming about leaving the corporate world,

WE have the insights, guidance, and community to make it a reality - more seamlessly and effectively than you ever thought possible.


JOIN OUR COMMUNITY TODAY for practical mindset strategies, business alignment tools, accountability, and live Group Coaching every week.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and business transformation with "Business by Design." This program isn't just about building a successful business; it's about aligning your entrepreneurial spirit with your unique Human Design. Say goodbye to the frustration of strategies that don't resonate with you and embrace a tailored approach that amplifies your strengths. It's time to break free from the constraints of conventional business models and step into a world where your business is a true reflection of your authentic self.

Join us and unlock the door to a business that not only thrives but also brings you personal fulfillment and joy.

As seen in:

Wouldn’t it be incredible if running your business felt natural and effortless?

Imagine waking up and having time for journalling, a beach walk or a cup of coffee in bed. 

Your offers resonate deeply with your perfect clients, and your calendar is booked with promising opportunities, delivering the results you know you can achieve.

You envision a business that grows joyfully and effortlessly. That's the dream, right?

But let's face it: the entrepreneurial journey often feels like a rollercoaster of highs and lows. Between the spark of an idea and the satisfaction of profit, there's a maze of doubts, fears, and second-guessing.

You're staring at the bank balance, having tried various "proven strategies," burning the midnight oil, feeling drained and undervalued. Right now, you might be grappling with frustration, unsure of the next step, and looking for help.

You’re caught on the treadmill of entrepreneurial hustle, feeling stuck and foggy about your direction, leading to burnout and a sense of disconnection from your inner being.

Welcome to the raw, real-world of entrepreneurship! It's an exhilarating ride filled with opportunities for immense personal growth, yet it can also be daunting.

And here's a little secret...

Even after a few years of guiding entrepreneurs and senior executive leaders and witnessing countless success stories, I still encounter moments of doubt, frustration, misalignment and uncertainty.

I would be lying if I told you that all my workshops and programs always sell out, I too face the realities of running my own business and marketing my services. 

It's a common thread among all successful individuals.

If you're feeling isolated, scrolling through social media, wondering how everyone else seems so assured and successful, remember this:

behind the scenes, they're likely facing the same problems and fears as you.

It's easy to think you're the problem in such moments of doubt. That you're not savvy or charismatic enough.

You might believe you need a more complex strategy, a flashier marketing approach, a brand overhaul or a new website.

Perhaps you're convinced that just a bit more hustle will make this year different.

Success in your entrepreneurial journey isn't
about more hours or effort


Facing These Challenges?

You are feeling burned out by trying to make your business "work".

You are not 100% sure if your business and service model is effective. 

Your calendar is not fully booked with your dream clients. 

You feel like you are trapped with a new set of golden handcuffs. 

You are not getting the results you were hoping to achieve in your business. 


"I need to hustle more."

"I will never be able to match my previous income."

"I need a better brand, website or new photography to stand out."

"This is not sustainable."

You're not alone in feeling stuck or seeking impact. I've been there, trying "one-size-fits-all" methods, ending up frustrated, income-unstable, and far from my dream business.

The Real Solution. Forget the latest marketing fads, funnels, or brand revamps. It's not all about more work or having a sexier brand. 

The difference lies in understanding your unique Human Design and aligning your business accordingly. It's about knowing how to face your fears and not let them derail your progress.

The answer lies in aligning your business strategy with your personal strengths and values, and creating a path to success that is uniquely yours.

Here are some of the most common challenges I have come across working with numerous business owners and entrepreneurs:

The Dilemma of Proven Strategies: 

Tired of being boxed in by traditional business advice? Discover why the one-size-fits-all approach might not work for you. 

The Hustle Mentality: 

Do you feel like you're giving it your all but still running on empty? Perhaps you have reached a point where you need to consider a second job to cover the bills.

Chasing Success, Missing Fulfillment: 

Joined the entrepreneurial race for a life of satisfaction and achievement, but still can't grasp either? Find out why the balance seems like a mirage.

The Freedom Paradox:

Want the freedom of being your own boss so you can spend more time with your loved ones, but you are hustling more than ever before. 

The Proven Strategies: 

Following the proven strategies to get to a successful business, but they don't resonate? See why this one-size-fits-all approach might not work for you. 

Questioning Entrepreneurship: 

Feeling isolated, overwhelmed and unsure of the next steps. Discover how simple but  energetically aligned business strategies might be the answer. 


Sounds familiar?

These challenges are universal, impacting entrepreneurs at every level, in every field, and across the globe.

However, you can revolutionise your business approach and achieve alignment by shifting your mindset and strategies to embrace your unique Human Design.

What happens when you align your business with your unique Human Design?

Somewhere within you, there's a multitude of untapped potential, a reservoir of creativity and intuition waiting to be harnessed. This is where your unique Human Design resides, a blueprint of your innate strengths and capabilities. Imagine a space where doubts and misalignments are replaced with clarity and authenticity. A realm where you feel genuinely aligned, purposeful, and empowered. As you shed outdated beliefs, business models and approaches that don't resonate with your true self, this inner alignment begins to reflect in every aspect of your business. You'll experience a profound shift, not just mentally but physically too. It's a sensation of greater alignment and harmony, a newfound ease in decision-making, and a sense of being in the flow. This is the feeling of your business finally matching your inner design. Your business becomes a magnet for opportunities, your interactions more meaningful, and your financial success a true reflection of your inner alignment. As you embrace your Human Design in your entrepreneurial journey, you unlock a level of abundance that transcends financial gains. It's about thriving in a business that's not just profitable but deeply fulfilling and perfectly attuned to your unique path.

hey there!

I'm Alice

CEO & Founder of Empowered by Alice & Retreat a Little, Intuitive Business Coach, Manifesting Generator 1/3, adventurer & traveller

In June 2021, after an 18-month personal transformation and a corporate redundancy, I launched Retreat a Little, aiming to help busy corporates reconnect with themselves. But just after Christmas, I faced a low point when I had to cancel upcoming retreats, feeling like my heart's mission and income potential had slipped away.

In search of distraction, I stumbled upon Human Design on Instagram, which sparked a deep passion. Despite no income, I invested $3,000 in a 12-week Human Design program. At my next retreat, I eagerly shared my findings, and the positive reception, especially from business owners, marked the beginning of my journey integrating Human Design with business strategies.

As I connected with other entrepreneurs, it became clear that we all struggled with outdated beliefs, ineffective strategies, and overwhelming self-doubt. We needed to blend solid business strategies with personal development to move forward.

Integrating what I learned in “Empowered Living by Design” with the Empowered Entrepreneur Framework from “Business by Design” led to significant transformations. The success of our BETA launch confirmed we were on the right track.

The impact has been remarkable! Aligning our businesses with our true selves has brought empowerment, ease, and positive change. We are committed to learning, growing, and showing up authentically in this new world.

Business by Design comes from my heart, rooted in the belief that we don't need to hustle harder but align better. It’s part of a larger movement to serve, improve the world, and live abundantly while charging what we’re worth.

Success Story

Thank you so much Alice for your guidance and support during this program. I am so grateful for what I have learned about myself and also how this can help me build a successful business and life. You have a true gift of bringing out people's strengths and guiding them through all their crazy insecurities.


Melissa had the courage to quit her corporate job! She is now the CEO of a successful healthcare consulting business and replaced her corporate income within the first six months. Melissa is working less, has more time for her kids and family, and only does the things that she loves. 



"Business by Design"

 "Business by Design" is a groundbreaking group coaching program for entrepreneurs, empowering them to create businesses perfectly aligned with their true selves, blending financial success with the freedom to live their best lives.

Whether you are just starting out or have been in business for a few years, Business by Design empowers you to align your entrepreneurial journey with your unique Human Design. So you can
break free from the one-size-fits-all approach and create a business that is magnetic and in full alignment with who you are!

Over 12 weeks, you will get step-by-step guidance on how to apply it to:

Personal and Business Alignment through Human Design

Have the confidence to step into the next version of YOU, with a greater understanding of your unique offering, gifts and talents. We will be swapping your limiting beliefs with a new empowering mindset. 

Dive deeper into your Human Design to unveil the blueprint of your entrepreneurial strengths and how you can harness them for success.

Achieve a balance where professional success and personal well-being coexist. Your business reflects your best self, thriving in alignment with your Human Design.

Strategic Business Design

Uncover the power of a business model that's crafted just for you. Whether it's focusing on a niche market, diversifying your offerings, or building deeper client relationships, your Human Design guides the way.

Learn how to structure your services and programs to leverage your strengths. Avoid burnout and make strategic decisions that resonate with your core being. It's about alilgning smarter, not working harder.

Whether it's breaking through your current income ceiling or setting a new financial milestone, do it in a way that doesn't feed into the hustle mentality.

Supportive Community and Continuous Growth:

Join a community of like-minded, heart-led entrepreneurs, where you’ll find the support and inspiration to evolve continuously. You’ll be equipped with practical tools, rituals, and strategies that fuel your personal and professional growth.

Step confidently into your next level, as regular live sessions and workshops provide the guidance and feedback you need to stay motivated and adaptable.

Embrace a journey of continuous development, where your business and personal well-being grow in harmony, ensuring that both thrive as you step fully into your empowered self.


The truth is, your reason for starting a business might not be to employ staff or get to multiple 6-figures.

We recognise that success looks different for everyone.

Our goal is to help you create a business that resonates deeply with your unique Human Design.

Join our community of like-minded and heart-centred entrepreneurs who all want to change the world whilst also living their best lives. 

how would it feel to...

...achieve those results? 


That’s when I decided to do things differently and everything changed.

  • Getting clear and actionable steps towards running a business that is as unique as you are, not defined by outdated practices or other people’s cookie-cutter methods.
  • You will have access to my “Business by Design Method”, a system that all you have to do is follow. It will take you out of frustration and into a fulfilling and aligned business. 

  • Including my tested and consolidated self-help and business knowledge, cutting out everything you don’t need and fitting in with a busy lifestyle. 

  • Giving yourself permission to be YOU and having a clear sense of direction in life and business whilst being surrounded by our amazing and supportive community.

  • You will have access to my “Living by Design Method”, a system that all you have to do is follow. It will take you out of confusion and into Empowered Living by Design.

  • Including my tested and consolidated self-help knowledge, cutting out everything you don’t need and fitting in with a busy corporate and personal lifestyle.

  • Getting clear and actionable steps towards living a fulfilled life, not defined by other people’s expectations.

  • Giving yourself permission to be YOU and having a clear sense of direction in life whilst being surrounded by our global community of amazing women.

Here’s what's included in the program...

  • 12 weeks of LIVE group coaching sessions via Zoom & online tutorials to walk you through the exact step-by-step process of creating your most aligned business.
  • Access to all Zoom recordings of our LIVE coaching calls via our online coaching platform.
  • Hot-seat coaching calls to answer additional questions that may have come up during the program.
  • Welcome call
    A 30-min session where we get to know each other via Zoom, ensuring you are a great fit, giving me a chance to understand your business, and setting you up for success.
  • Business Structure Review
    A 60-min Zoom session reviewing your new and aligned business structure.
  • Program Review
    During the last two weeks of the program, we will spend 60-min on a Zoom call, reviewing how far you have come and putting it all together.
  • 90-min Human Design in Business Masterclass identifying whether you should focus on a niche market, diversify your offerings, or build deeper client relationships, your Human Design guides the way.
  • 90-min Human Design Marketing & Branding Masterclass developing authentic branding and marketing strategies communicating your unique value.
  • *We highly recommend that you have experimented with your own Human Design for at least three months prior to joining the program. This includes having purchased a detailed Human Design Report from us.*
  • Supportive Community
    In our closed Facebook Group, members can share knowledge, ask questions, and be part of a supportive community. It's the right environment to support your personal and professional growth. 
  • Community access beyond the completion of the program. So you can continue to integrate your learning and be part of a supportive community, you can stay in our Facebook Group for as long as you want. 
Your Investment in a Better Future

Pick your payment option

Business by Design is not just an investment in a program; it's an investment in a new way of living. A life where you are the CEO of your life and your most aligned business.


6x monthly payments


incl GST


12 x monthly payments


incl GST


The program is limited to 6 participants and runs twice a year. 


Check out your bonus suite...

  • One financial group-coaching session with Stephen Pisani from Pisani Accountants, where we uncover various business structures, how to make your financial management as easy as possible, and how you can best charge for your services.
  • One online strategic business review session with Stephen Pisani from Pisani Accountants, where you can get advice around any tax or business structure questions you may have. 

Valued at $750


Imagine waking up each day deeply connected to your true self, living a life designed by you, for you. With "Empowered Living by Design," this isn't just a dream—it's a reality waiting for you.

As part of Business by Design, you’ll get exclusive access to the powerful tools from my "Empowered Living by Design" program, designed to help you:

  • Live Purposefully: Make intentional choices reflecting your goals and dreams, guiding every decision with a clear purpose.
  • Build Empowered Relationships: Foster meaningful, authentic connections that enrich your life and support your journey.
  • Gain Unshakeable Confidence: Walk through life with confidence, trusting yourself to navigate challenges with courage and an open heart.
  • Create a Joyful, Balanced Life: Embrace a lifestyle that nourishes your soul, energizes your body, and brings joy and balance into every day.

This bonus is all about turning aspiration into achievement, helping you live the life you’ve always imagined.

Valued at $888


Success Story

"Joining 'Business by Design' was a turning point in my life. I struggled to find my bliss and flow in the entrepreneurial world as a Splenic Projector. This program not only helped me align my business with my Human Design but also transformed my approach to work and life. Since then, it's been a lot easier to attract the right opportunities, create new high-value, high-ticket offers and find aligned clients whilst also honouring my need for rest. All team members in my various businesses have now been taken through their unique Human Design, which allowed us to re-define roles, leading to greater harmony and success in our projects." - Stephen Pisani, Accountant and Serial Entrepreneur"


Stephen Pisani, a seasoned accountant with over 23 years of experience, revolutionised his business after discovering he was a Splenic Projector through 'Business by Design.' This revelation transformed his work-life approach, bringing ease and flow, and inspiring him to innovate high-value offerings. His newfound understanding of his unique ability to pinpoint financial issues and provide creative solutions to his clients has been a game-changer, marking his journey with the prestigious 2022 South Australian IPA award.


How it works:

  • This program has limited availability to ensure that you can maximise its benefits.
  • Alignment calls can be scheduled once you sign up for the program. You will receive an email with a link. 
  • The program is starting in September 2024, with calls scheduled at 4PM (Adelaide time zone)
  • Program calls are scheduled every week, unless one-on-one calls are scheduled in the program. 
  • All calls are held via Zoom and recorded in case you can't make one. 

Choosing to stay on the path of misalignment risks not just your business’s success but your personal fulfilment and well-being. 'Business by Design' offers you a way out of the fog and onto a path of clear, empowered action.

Envision Your Success:

Success in 'Business by Design' means more than achieving goals; it’s about experiencing a profound sense of bliss and fulfilment in every aspect of your business. 

Your Transformation Awaits:

FROM a state of being stuck and overwhelmed... TO a life of leadership and passion, where your business flows as naturally as your breath.

FROM chasing success... TO embodying it, with every aspect of your business designed to reflect your unique strengths and ambitions.


So what is really at stake? 
  • Struggling with Self-Sabotage and Limiting Beliefs: Without addressing our internal barriers, we might remain in a cycle of self-doubt and fear, hindering our personal and professional progress.
  • Experiencing Burnout: Continued overworking and burning out without seeing significant results, leading to exhaustion and decreased motivation.
  • Lack of Clarity and Direction: We may struggle to align our business strategies with our personal values and strengths, resulting in confusion and a lack of direction.
  • Missing Out on Sustainable Growth: We may fail to implement effective strategies that leverage our unique strengths, leading to inconsistent income and a lack of sustainable growth.
  • Feeling Isolated and Unsupported: Without joining a supportive community, we might continue to feel isolated, lacking the encouragement and insights from like-minded entrepreneurs.
  • Operating in Misalignment: We may run a business that does not reflect our true self, leading to dissatisfaction and a lack of fulfilment.
  • Facing Financial Instability: Without a clear revenue strategy, we could struggle with inconsistent income and financial uncertainty, causing ongoing stress.
  • Missing Our Full Potential: We might fail to realise our full potential and miss the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the world.

Not ready to go all in yet?

*We highly recommend that you have experimented with your own Human Design for at least three months prior to joining the program. This includes having purchased a detailed Human Design Report from us.*

The first step to creating your most aligned business is to discover your innate gifts and talents and reveal your ideal work environment. Purchase your comprehensive 30-40 page Human Design Report, serving as a user manual for life and business.

Your investment includes a 60-minute reading with Alice, providing you with even greater insights and coaching you to create an action plan that gets you closer to your business goals. 

The comprehensive Report plus 1:1 Reading


  • Discover your true self 
  • Uncover your natural gifts and talents 
  • Overcome self-doubt
  • The feeling of living your own design
  • Find out your strongest sense
  • Your perfect work environment 
  •  Correct decisions using your intuition
  • 60-minute Zoom reading with Alice, providing you with even greater insights
  • Coaching you to create an action plan that gets you closer to your goals. 

Frequently Asked Questions