Live the life you have always imagined

Discover your true self; join this transformative program for women that helps you unlock the life you're destined to live


 Your Journey of Unlocking your full Potential Starts Here

What would it feel like to live a life where every day is a reflection of your true self, where you're not just going through the motions but living with purpose and intention?

59% of People Are Seeking Significant Changes Right Now... Are You One of Them?

If you have come here today, it's likely because you are asking yourself, "Is this really it?". 

Whether it's a new job, a different social network, or a change in personal relationships, many feel destined for something greater but are unsure where to begin. Balancing work and personal life can seem like an endless struggle, leaving you in the fog of daily responsibilities.

You are not alone in this journey.

Like many high achievers, you might find yourself juggling multiple roles - a dedicated partner, a loving parent, a committed professional - and in the midst of it all, losing sight of your true self.

Either way, I am glad you have come here. 

We live in a world of infinite possibilities but lack guidance on how to truly thrive.

We are constantly bombarded with advertising and social media but don't take the time to pause and think about what we actually want. 

Considered a Human Design expert by Australia's number one health and wellbeing platform, Body + Soul, Alice will help you see yourself differently. 

Break free and unlock your full potential with Empowered by Design! This program will help you uncover and reconnect with your purpose and live the life you have always imagined. Our mentoring and coaching program gives you the tools to take charge of your life and become part of a supportive community that keeps you accountable.

You will see a ripple effect in all areas of your life by prioritising yourself. You'll show up differently for yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you.

Our program is designed to help you succeed. Surround yourself with others ready to walk this path beside you.

As seen in:

Success Story

Thank you so much Alice for your guidance and support during this program. I am so grateful for what I have learned about myself and also how this can help me build a successful business and life. You have a true gift of bringing out people's strengths and guiding them through all their crazy insecurities.


Melissa had the courage to quit her corporate job! She is now the CEO of a successful healthcare consulting business and replaced her corporate income within the first six months. Melissa is working less, has more time for her kids and family, and only does the things that she loves. 

I have cut through the confusing world of self-discovery, removed everything out you don't need and consolidated it into my own

"Living by Design Method"

how would it feel to...

...truly knowing yourself and what YOU want from life! 

Working with me might be your first coaching experience, but it's an important one because here we lay the foundations for your new life.

By joining this community, you will be given the tools to create your dream life by being guided through the three pillars of:


Alice will guide you through a 6-step process, laying the foundations to begin living a life designed by you. Here, we will identify where you are now so we can design your pathway to unlocking your full potential. 


...You will be gaining clarity on who you really are.


You will learn powerful exercises to uncover your desires and dreams by fostering a deep connection with yourself, your emotions, and your intuition.  


...You will transform limiting beliefs and create a brand new empowering mindset.


You will learn to master the art of saying “No” so that you can say “Yes” to things that truly light you up. Everything becomes a choice, and “should” becomes a distant memory.


...You will be learning how to live a fulfilled life by taking the steps to empowerment and honouring yourself.

hey there!

I'm Alice


I was once where you are now, that’s why I launched 'Empowered Living by Design'—to help you break free from the endless cycle of daily responsibilities and reconnect with who you truly are, guiding you towards a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment. 

I understand how it feels to be searching for something more, feeling like you're drifting away from your true self and your deepest desires. You're not alone. Like you, I've experienced this yearning and navigated these challenging waters, seeking a path that leads back to authenticity and happiness.

Through 'Empowered Living by Design,' I've had the privilege of guiding many women on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. This program is the culmination of proven strategies and deep insights, all led by someone who has walked this path herself and has dedicated her life to helping others do the same. With a community of empowered women and a track record of inspiring success stories, I'm here to guide you towards living a life by design. Let me show you the way.

I can't wait to guide you.



Living by Design

Imagine waking up each day feeling deeply connected to your true self, living a life that's designed by you, for you. With 'Empowered Living by Design,' this vision of success isn't just a dream—it's a reality that awaits you. Let's explore the transformative journey that turns aspiration into achievement: 

  • True Self-Discovery: Success means uncovering the layers of your true self, embracing your unique strengths, and aligning your life with your core values. Imagine the clarity and confidence that come from knowing exactly who you are and what you stand for.
  • Purposeful Living: Envision a life where every decision, big or small, is guided by a clear sense of purpose. Success is about living intentionally, making choices that reflect your goals and dreams, and finding fulfillment in every moment.
  • Empowered Relationships: Imagine the depth of connections you can build when you're fully present and authentic. Success in this journey leads to more meaningful, supportive, and enriching relationships.
  • Unshakeable Confidence: Success looks like walking through life with confidence, not because you have all the answers, but because you trust yourself to navigate any challenge. It's about embracing your journey with courage and an open heart.
  • Joyful and Balanced Life: Picture a life where joy comes easily, and balance is the norm, not the exception. Success means creating a lifestyle that nourishes your soul, energises your body, and stimulates your mind. 


I started Alice's program and worked on myself with her intuitive and experienced guidance. I have done programmes before that were helpful, but could never quite get me to the breakthrough moment. Alice has helped me on my journey of discovery to get into the right mindset, gain self-confidence, take inspired action and uncover the why's. The tools she has given me are priceless and her ability to gentle make me accountable when I hit some bumps in the road was more helpful than anything. I am so grateful to be part of this community of amazing women. Thank you, Alice.


real results
Everyone deserves to live a life that's true to their deepest selves and not just exist in a state of survival or complacency.

Don't Settle for Less.

  • You will have access to my “Living by Design Method”, a system that all you have to do is follow. It will take you out of confusion and into Empowered Living by Design.

  • Including my tested and consolidated self-help knowledge, cutting out everything you don’t need and fitting in with a busy corporate and personal lifestyle.

  • Getting clear and actionable steps towards living a fulfilled life, not defined by other people’s expectations.

  • Giving yourself permission to be YOU and having a clear sense of direction in life whilst being surrounded by our global community of amazing women.

  • There is a reason why you have this longing in your heart. 

  • Empowered Living by Design' is your pathway to becoming the architect of your own life, crafting a reality filled with joy, purpose, and empowerment.
  • It's not just about finding yourself; it's about creating yourself and living a life that resonates deeply with your personal values and dreams

This Program is for You if You...

Are you feeling lost and disconnected, on the never-ending treadmill of daily responsibilities and unsure how to break free from what is holding you back. 

Are vaguely remembering the person that you wanted to become growing up, the one that had so many dreams and ambitions. 

Are tired of playing small, hiding your authentic self behind more "appropriate" masks and the roles you play. 

Are yearning for deeper connections with like-minded people who are ready to step into the fullness of who they came here to be. 

Are wanting to start putting yourself first. 

Here is what you get when you join
Empowered Living by Design

Online training modules you can access immediately

You will gain access to Alice's roadmap, which will lay the foundations and prepare you to uncover your desires and needs. 

By the end of our program, you will have gained access to a suite of my favourite tools and will be able to set clear boundaries that align with your authentic self.

Live fortnightly coaching sessions with Alice

Fortnightly group coaching sessions, during which Alice will help you put what you have learned into practice. 

Alice can also help you get unstuck when things are getting a bit harder. 

Supportive community

In our closed Facebook Group, members can share knowledge, ask questions, and be part of a supportive community. We share inspirational content to support personal and professional growth. 


Check out your bonus suite...

60-min 1:1 Human Design reading

$250 value

Two 30 min 1:1 sessions

You can also access two 30-minute one-on-one Zoom catch-ups with Alice for anything you don't want to discuss during a group coaching session. 

$250 value


Success Story

"This was the program I didn't know I needed. Alice's mentoring and coaching was so insightful, nourishing and healing. I've been provided insights and tools that I will carry forever. Thank you Alice!"


Gemma, a single mother of two boys, had her biggest breakthrough when she discovered she was a Manifestor according to Human Design. Adjusting her approach to work and life led to increased ease and flow, and after the program, Gemma had the confidence to pursue a team leader role.

Your Investment in a Better Future

Empowered by Design is not just an investment in a program; it's an investment in a new way of living. A life where confusion is replaced with clarity, and where every choice is empowered.

Pick your payment option


4 x monthly payments of



Pay in full



Not ready to go all in?

The first step to living an empowered life is discovering your innate gifts and talents and revealing your ideal work environment. Purchase your comprehensive 25-30 page Human Design Report, serving as a user manual for life and empowering you to live with purpose.

The comprehensive Human Design Report


  • Discover your true self 
  • Uncover your natural gifts and talents 
  • Overcome self-doubt
  • The feeling of living your own design
  • Find out your strongest sense
  • Your perfect work environment 
  •  Correct decisions using your intuition

Frequently Asked Questions